
Just like humans, our pets can have dental disease.  Dental disease comes in many forms including tartar build up, fractured teeth, gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth root abscesses.

Dental disease is important as it can impact on the health and well-being of the pet. Some of the bacteria that builds up on the teeth can enter the blood stream and affect other organs such as the kidneys, liver and heart. This can become a serious issue.

A dental health check will involve an assessment of your pet’s oral health to determine whether dental treatment needs to be pursued and we can also provide some advice for your pet’s particular oral health needs that you can do at home.

Dental treatments will depend on your pet’s particular need but can include dental radiographs (to assess the tooth roots and jaw), dental scaling, dental polishing, tartar removal, sub-gingival pocket treatment and tooth removal.

To achieve a thorough dental health examination and to identify all dental issues, the pet needs to be anaesthetised. Once the pet is anaesthetised, each of the pet’s teeth are examined and their condition recorded, and corrective treatment carried out. This may involve removing fractured and diseased teeth. All teeth are then scaled and polished. On some occasions gum surgery may need to be performed.

At the time of a dental procedure the pet will be given pain-relief and in some cases antibiotics.

There are several ways you can care for your dogs teeth every day. A complete home dental care program for your dog often includes brushing as well as a special diet that helps care for your pet’s teeth while he or she eats.

Even if you are unable to brush your pet’s teeth every day, by incorporating a special pet food into their daily routine, you can provide the dental care needed to keep them healthy. Be sure to talk with your veterinarian about the options that exist, and which are right for your pet.

Brushing Your Dogs Teeth

STEP 1: Introduce a brushing program gradually. Avoid over-restraining and keep brushing sessions short and positive. A small pet can be held in your lap. Praise and reassure your pet throughout the process.

STEP 2: At first, dip a finger into some gravy or stock. Rub the soaked finger gently over your pet’s mouth and teeth. Make the initial sessions short and positive.

STEP 3: Gradually, introduce gauze over the finger and gently scrub the teeth in a circular motion.

STEP 4: Finally, you can introduce a soft toothbrush designed for pets. Use a sensitive or ultra-soft brush designed for people or a brush designed for pets. Special pet toothbrushes are available from your veterinarian or specialty pet store. Don’t use toothpaste designed for people because it could upset your pet’s stomach.